Tallinn, Estonia
Conference on sexual assault Finished
Contact info: Merle Kuusk (merle.kuusk@norden.ee)
The conference has 3 main goals: to raise awareness, informing participants about the latest research and practice happening in the other countries as well as to foster debate.
The International Conference on Sexual Assault, bringing together law enforcement personnel, prosecutors, victim advocates, judges, parole and probation officers, rape crisis workers, medical personnel, educators and others, highlights promising practices and emerging issues in sexual assault.
The conference is organised by the Estonian Ministry of Social Affairs and Nordic Council of Ministers.
The working-language of the seminar is Estonian and English. Translation is provided.
The conference takes place on May 8, 2014 at 10.00 a.m. at the Hotel Radisson Blu Sky (Rävala pst 3, Tallinn).
With any further questions, please contact:
- Liisa Lents, liisa.lents@sm.ee (participation and registration);
- Helen Sööl, helen.sool@sm.ee (programme coordinator).