21.05.14 – 23.05.14
Tartu, Estonia
Conference ‘Strengthening the Baltic-Nordic research collaboration’ Finished
Contact info: Madis Kanarbik (madis.kanarbik@norden.ee)
The conference aim is to explore modes of Baltic-Nordic research collaboration. In particular access to and joint use of research infrastructure, and funding opportunities of regional research collaboration between the Nordic and Baltic countries, will be explored. Areas with potential for collaboration include Ph.D. education and training, e-Infrastructure and eScience, within the natural, humanities and social sciences.
The conference is primarily intended for policy makers, research funding agencies and research coordinators. Find out more on the conference webpage.
The conference is building on ongoing research collaborations, and is jointly organized by the Nordic Council of Ministers, Estonian Ministry of Education and Research, Estonian Research Council, Latvian Ministry of Education and Science, Latvian Council of Science, the Research Council of Lithuania and NordForsk.