23.04.14 – 25.04.14
Tallinn, Estonia
Knowledge Forum I ‘Trafficking in Human Beings: Recruitment, Identification, Victim Support’ Finished
Contact info: Merle Kuusk (merle.kuusk@norden.ee)
Venue: Flower Pavilion (Lillepaviljon), Tallinn, Estonia
Language: Estonian, English, Russian (simultaneous interpretation)
Participation: Invitation-only
Knowledge Forum I * ‘Trafficking in Human Beings: Recruitment, Identification and Aid for Victims’ focuses on patterns of recruitment in human trafficking, identification of victims and perpetrators and ways of helping the victims in the Baltic Sea region. The objective is to increase the awareness and competence of the participants and to reinforce the network of specialists working in the field. There will be a discussion of various studies related to human trafficking conducted in the Nordic countries and Baltic States and of a criminal case of human trafficking in Estonia in the example of the case of Indrek Mandre, from the viewpoint of the State Prosecuting Office, the Police and the Labour Inspectorate and with regard to the provision of aid to victims.
Round tables will provide an opportunity for police officers, state prosecutors, judges, state officials and specialists helping victims to discuss ways of preventing recruitment in trafficking in human beings and possible solutions to reduce demand in the Baltic Sea region.
Some presenters and topics:
- Myria Vassiliadou will give the opening address, providing an overview of the situation in EU Member States regarding the implementation of directive 2011/36/EU on preventing and combating trafficking in human beings.
- Olegas Sibkovas, a regional judge in Kaunas, will discuss the latest trends in Lithuanian court proceedings regarding trafficking in human beings.
- Anna Ekstedt, Head of the TF-THB Task Force against Trafficking in Human Beings CBSS, will discuss ways of helping identified victims in the Baltic Sea region.
- Natalia Zaibert, a researcher from St Petersburg, will talk about helping victims of trafficking in human beings in north-western Russia.
- Lāsma Stabiņa will introduce the progressive legislative measures taken in Latvia to help victims of trafficking in human beings.
* Forum I is being organised within the framework of a project of the Nordic Council of Ministers entitled Nordic – Baltic – North-West Russian Border Regional Cooperation Part II, Combating Trafficking in Human Beings for Forced Labour, Children and Sexual Exploitation. Upcoming project activities:
- Knowledge Forum II: ‘Social Consequences’ (September 2014, Riga)
- Seminar on judicial proceedings (12 & 13 November 2014, Stockholm)
- Peer Review Conference (April 2015, Vilnius)