Estonian Academy of Sciences, Tallinn, Estonia
‘Smart migration policy’ – Nordic and Baltic labour migration seminar Finished
Contact info: Madis Kanarbik (madis.kanarbik@norden.ee)
Free movement of people is one of the fundamental rights of the European Union. Migration and the movement of labour are contributing to the development of and cooperation between the Nordic countries and the Baltic States.
This seminar is a continuation of the labour migration conference held in spring as part of the migration project launched by the Nordic Council of Ministers, which focussed on trends in emigration in the Baltic Sea region. The October seminar will concentrate on the positions of experts and policy shapers, primarily on issues related to immigration.
The main focus of the seminar will be immigration policy in relation to highly qualified specialists. What can and should countries do to bring qualified workers into the country or to get those who have gone abroad to return? Knowledge-sharing between the Nordic countries and Baltic States in the field of labour migration is an important prerequisite for the shaping of migration policy and strategies in the Baltic Sea region. The seminar will examine Nordic measures in promoting the immigration of highly qualified labour, using Denmark and Finland as examples, and discuss the trends in and challenges facing Estonia.
The seminar will end with a debate involving Riigikogu members Kaja Kallas, Kadri Simson, Sven Mikser and Andres Herkel.
The seminar is an invitation-only event. Its target group is politicians, officials and experts from research institutions in the relevant field.
The programme for the ‘Smart migration policy’ seminar can be found here. Please note that organisers retain the right to amend the programme!