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03.10.13 – 04.10.13

Tartu, Estonia

Creative Economy Developers event CED13 Finished

Contact info: Grete Kodi (


How to find out the new models and instruments to support tomorrow’s business ideas and companies?

In order to increase the success and to promote entrepreneurship in Creative Industries in Estonia, Latvia, and Finland and other Nordic countries, the Finnish Institute in Estonia in co-operation with Nordic Council of Ministers Office in Estonia, Creative Industries in Finland, Creative Industries Networks in Finland, Creative Estonia and Tartu Creative Centre is organizing an event for business incubators and developers in Tartu Centre for Creative Industries.

The versatile and interesting set of speakers combined with speed dating and networking in the smooth atmosphere of Tartu are offering the best conditions for successful meetings and future cooperation.

Topics include:

  • PRACTISING FUTURE: Eva Leemet from Creative Estonia, Silja Suntola from Creative Industries Finland and Liene Kuplā from Creative Andrejsala Incubator Latvia illuminate the concrete actions in developing Creative Industries entrepreneurship regionally today and in the future. Jorma Sarv, Estonian Ministry of Culture and OMC-group in EU, Marjo Mäenpää, Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture and Signe Adamoviča Latvian Ministry of Culture are aligning the national Footsteps to the Future. Rasmus Wiinstedt-Tscherning, Denmark, offers an overview of the European Cultural and Creative Industries Alliance, ECCIA.
  • INCUBATE NECESSE EST: Discussion of Success stories and failures in Creative Economy. 3 Best Advices suggested by e.g. Raul Oreškin, Tartu Centre for Creative Industries, Eeva Riistama, Arabus, Finland and Johanna Skantze, Director, Generator, Sweden.
  • CREATIVE MONEY: Discussions of new phenomena and tomorrows ways and ideas in financing and Investing in Creative Industries. Hard core professionals going for business angels, venture capitalists, funds, banks, sponsors, kick-starters, crowd funding, accelerators etc. Johannes Savolainen from Finnish Design Accelerator Royal Majestics, Tiiu Sullakatko from Hooandja, Estonia, Margus Uudam, investor from, Estonia, Tanu-Matti Tuominen, investor from Finnish fund Vision Plus and Janno Siimar from EstonianVelvet will present cases, points of views and ideas for Creative Money.

The goal of the seminar is to link Estonian, Finnish and Latvian agents of Creative Industries and increase their cooperation, activate best practices and operating models through case studies and examples, as well as share experiences about current instruments for entrepreneurship development.

Participation fee: 30 EUR (to be paid in cash at the venue)
Programme and registration are available on the CED13 webpage. Seats are filling up fast! Please register latest on 27 th of September 2013 .

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