30.05.13 – 31.05.13
Tallinn, Estonia
Nordic-Baltic conference: Identification of victims and criminals – why we do not notice them? Finished
Contact info: Merle Kuusk (merle.kuusk@norden.ee)
As part of this cooperation the Nordic-Baltic Network of Policewomen and Nordic Council of Ministers’ Office in Estonia are organising the international conference on combating trafficking in human beings for forced labour, children and sexual exploitation:
Identification of victims and criminals – why we do not notice them?
on 30 & 31 May 2013 at Meriton Hotel, Paldiski mnt 4, Tallinn, Estonia.
The conference forms the conclusion of a Nordic, Baltic and North-West Russian cooperation project that has lasted for over a year. In the framework of the projects’ study visits the officials and experts learned about the achievements and success stories in the identification of victims in the fight against human trafficking. The aim of the conference is to establish a common platform for exchange of Nordic, Baltic and North-West Russian information on trafficking in human beings.
Participation: upon invitation only!
The conference is supported by the Estonian Police and Border Guard Board.
Find out more here .