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18.10.12 – 19.10.12

Tallinn, Estonia

Nordic-Baltic conference ‘Policy Challenges on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy’ Finished

Contact info: Madis Tilga (

Green Growth Forum 2012 To facilitate close and fruitful co-operation on EU/EEA related energy matters the Nordic Council of Ministers’ Office in Estonia, the Norwegian Ministry of Petroleum and Energy together the Estonian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications are organising the Nordic-Baltic conference ‘Policy Challenges on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy’ on 18 & 19 October 2012 in Tallinn.

An enlarged European Union has made closer regional co-operation on Nordic/Baltic energy issues more topical. All of the Nordic and Baltic countries are working on the implementation of energy efficiency and renewable energy regulations through EU/EEA and other international commitments. Regional energy co-operation shall be proactive in relation to promoting common interests and key issues, including via exchanges of information on national best practice experiences and current energy policy initiatives.

The organisers aim to underpin flexible and open Nordic/Baltic energy co-operation that has three-fold output:

  • creating a good basis for raising international awareness on topical challenges in the Nordic/Baltic region;
  • facilitating the implementation of directives and regulations so as to advance smart growth and sustainable environment; and
  • contributing to an increased exchange of best practice so as to make the region a strong and active player in shaping the EU/EEA energy policy framework.

Target groups: civil servants, experts & politicians

Find out more at the event website!

The conference is free of charge but early pre-registration is required as the number of seats in the Riigikogu is limited and the entrance to the parliament building will be granted only to those who have registered and show their ID. Registration will be closed on October 16.