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27.08.12 – 29.08.12

Tallinn and Naissaar Island, Estonia

Nordic-Baltic creativity forum: “Creativity Changes the World” Finished

Contact info: Eha Vain (

Nordic-Baltic creativity forum 2012We invite teachers, school principals, educationalists and persons active in the field of culture teaching and inspiring children from the Nordic and Baltic countries to the creativity forum in Tallinn and on Naissaar Island on August 27-29.

The Nordic-Baltic Forum “Creativity Changes the World”, which is organised by the Nordic Council of Ministers’ Office in Estonia and Tallinn University together with the Nordic Culture Point in Finland, the Nordic embassies and cultural institutes in Estonia, dives into the subject of creativity aimed at learning and teaching. The Estonian Ministry of Education and Research and the Ministry of Culture have also been involved in the preparations of the forum.

The organisers offer:

  • exciting presentations from the Nordic and Baltic countries, and the United States,
  • new ideas and experiences,
  • inspiring activities,
  • a unique opportunity to meet interesting people, discuss and express opinions on the topic.

Additionally there are analyses based on scientific research, introductions of Nordic culture programmes supported by the state, presentations of new technical devices, and introductions of well-known and recognised teaching methods that can be experienced by everyone.

Registration has ended.

Click here to find out more about the creativity forum (programme, speakers, terms of participation, etc)