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25.10.11 – 28.10.11


Food/Feed Quality, Safety and Risks in Agriculture (FLAVOURE Conference) Finished

Contact info: Merle Kuusk (

This conference aims to demonstrate the role of research in developing new technologies which able to ensure food/feed quality as well as to identify and reduce the risk factors in production chain.

With this conference the organisers wish to bring together researchers working with different aspects of food and feed quality and safety, as well as industry representatives and other stakeholders of agricultural and food sector to share their experiences and ideas and to explain the possibilities for making efficient use of research results from the commercial point of view and for enabling a sustainable use of resources.

In order to participate in the conference, please register at latest on Tuesday, October 25!

The conference is organised by the Estonian Research Institute of Agriculture. The event is among others supported by the Nordic Council of Ministers’ Office in Estonia.

Programme, further information and contact details can be found here.

Adviser Merle Kuusk is responsible for agricultural policy and the Nordic-Baltic support programme for NGO’s at the Nordic Council of Ministers’ Office in Estonia (phone +372 627 31 05 or e-mail