Grants to companies: Enterprise Estonia, Archimedes, Nordic Council of Ministers Finished
Contact info: Grete Kodi (grete.kodi@norden.ee)
At the Tartu Entrepreneurship Week held from 4 to 8 October 2010, businessmen and all other attendees who are thinking about starting a business will receive tips from others, information about grants, etc.
Information day Support Measure for Operating Companies: Enterprise Estonia, Archimedes, Nordic Council of Ministers will be held in Atlantis Conference Centre on 6 October from 1 pm to 5 pm.
Information and registration: Enterprise Department of Tartu City Government, tel. 736 1192, e-mail: evo(at)raad.tartu.ee, www.tartu.ee.
Grete Kodi, Adviser of the Nordic Council of Ministers’ Office in Estonia, will answer your questions about the Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for Business and Industry. Call her on 627 31 00 or send an e-mail to grete.kodi(at)norden.ee.
More information about the week’s events is available here . If you have any questions about the Entrepreneurship Week, contact Siim Espenberg, business development specialist of the Tartu City Government, on 7361 or by sending an e-mail to Siim.Espenberg(at)raad.tartu.ee.