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11.01.10 – 15.01.10


24th Week of Art in Tallinn School No. 21 – ICELAND Finished

Contact info: Triin Oppi (

Photo by Fred Jüssi The Week of Art in Tallinn School No. 21 will focus on Iceland in January. This exciting week gives children the chance to see the exhibition of Fred Jüssi’s nature photography “Between Ice and Land”, which can be ordered from the Estonian office of the Nordic Council of Ministers, on the second floor of the new schoolhouse. An exhibition of Icelandic elves can be enjoyed near the school’s assembly hall.

Children, young people and adults can all listen to a lecture about the culture, history and nature of Iceland and travel stories of the people who have visited the country, watch the family movie “No Network”, learn about Icelandic art, etc.

Click here for the programme (in Estonian) of the 24th Week of Art.

24. kunstinädala kavaga saab tutvuda .

Contact: Maarika Paun, Extracurricular Activity Supervisor, Tallinn School No. 21, e-mail maarika (at)