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Deadline: Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for Business and Industry Deadline Finished

Contact info: Grete Kodi (

Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for Business and IndustryLast chance to apply for funding from the Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for Business and Industry! To promote the competitiveness of Nordic and Baltic businesses in the light of globalisation, stakeholders in the fields of business and industry can apply for support in the framework of the Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme 2009-2013 to carry out study visits, internships, and training or network activities in the region.

Both individuals and groups can apply for funding:
– actors in Nordic and Baltic small and medium-size enterprises, including one-man businesses, with special focus on creative and innovative industries
– actors in structures related to these industries, such as business incubators at universities, colleges, institutions, etc.
– government officials in public authorities working on business framework conditions
– representatives of business organisations.

The Nordic-Baltic Mobility and Network Programme for Business and Industry is administered by the Nordic Council of Ministers’ Office in Latvia.
Contact: Kārlis Valters, phone +371 67213231, e-mail:

More information and links to the relevant documents are available here.