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SOV 100 years – Swedish Day Finished

Contact info: Triin Oppi (

Svenska Odlingens Vänner (SOV) was founded in 1909 at Bysholm’s Mansion in Nuckö/Noarootsi as a cultural association for the Swedish minority in Estonia. The association had an extensive activity programme during the first Republic of Estonia, including the foundation of Swedish schools and cultural events being arranged. This year SOV celebrates its 100th anniversary. On this occasion the Estonian Swedish Minority Cultural Council welcomes all to the celebration of Swedish Day – SOV 100 years!

The anniversary takes place on the 19 th of July, 2009 in Pürksi, Noarootsi .

The invitation is available here (in Estonian) and the programme here .

Questions related to the event can be addressed to Uile Kärk-Remes, head of the Estonian Swedish Minority Cultural Council: tel.: +372 56 457 841 or e-mail: ukr (at)