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Partnership between the state, universities and local governments to boost Estonia’s role in the EU Baltic Sea Strategy Finished

Contact info: Madis Kanarbik (

This conference will look at how the partnership between public departments, universities and local governments can be developed so as to involve them in the European Union’s Baltic Sea Strategy. One of the themes covered at the event will be funding in the EU budgetary period beginning in 2014.

Find out more about the conference here (in Estonian).

The conference is being organised by Tallinn University in association with the Riigikogu, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Agriculture, the NPO Polis, the Association of Municipalities of Estonia, the Union of Harju County Municipalities, the Association of Estonian Cities, the Estonian representation of the European Commission, the Nordic Council of Ministers’ Office in Estonia, the Swedish Institute, the University of Tartu, Tallinn Technical University, the Estonian University of Life Sciences, the Estonian Association of Administrative Lawyers, the Estonian Association of Municipal and City Secretaries and OÜ Geomedia.

It is the latest in a series of conferences focussing on the Baltic Sea Strategy that have been organised since 2010.

Any questions should be directed to Maria Jäärats by e-mailing or calling +372 641 0089.

Date and time: 18 January 2012 (10:00-16:30)
Venue: Tallinn Hall, 2 nd floor, Mare building, Tallinn University, Uus-Sadama 5, Tallinn
Attendance: Free of charge (advance registration required)