19.10.11 – 21.10.11
International conference ‘Creative Entrepreneurship for a Competitive Economy’ Finished
Contact info: Triin Oppi (triin.oppi@norden.ee)
The role of the Creative Economy as a provider of growth to the wider economy and contributor of added value to a range of agendas, is by now familiar to many. Indeed, multiple nations, regions and cities have invested substantially in Creative Economy strategies and programmes, with aims that range from creating jobs, attracting investment, building confidence and embedding creativity across other sectors – even across society as a whole.
However, with the economic crisis, plus through more developed critical thinking, many are calling for a re-think on the role and value of the Creative Economy and for a refreshed approach to policy and strategy.
Therefore Enterprise Estonia together with Creative Estonia, Estonian Ministry of Culture and Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications is organizing this major international conference which will call for a paradigm shift in the way the Creative Economy is understood and supported. Nordic Council of Ministers’ Office in Estonia is one of the partners of the conference.
With a dynamic mix of speakers from all over the world, the conference will explore how to develop creative entrepreneurship to improve innovation and competitiveness. This will focus on entrepreneurship across the arts, in organisations and institutions, and across clusters and networks of creative businesses.
Conference programme is produced and moderated by leading international creative economy expert, Tom Fleming.
Main work streams:
– Creative Talent
– The Creative Economy
– Creative Infrastructure for a New Age
– Creative Cities and Regions
– Creative Leadership
Date: 19 -21 October 2011
Tallinn, Estonia
there’s a registration fee, pre-registration is required. The online registration closes on October 1.
More detailed information is available on the
event homepage