Introduction of the Nordic-Baltic cooperation subsidies Finished
Contact info: Triin Oppi (triin.oppi@norden.ee)
The main purpose of the information day is to introduce the Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for Culture
, which will be presented by Eha Vain, culture adviser with the Nordic Council of Ministers’ (NCM) Office in Estonia. The programme includes support schemes for mobility and network activities of culture and art practitioners. Both individuals and organisations can apply for subsidy. Active art and culture practitioners as well as project writers are welcome to take part of the introduction.
Besides the intoduction of the culture programme Madis Kanarbik, adviser with the NCM Office in Estonia, Tartu branch will present the mobility programme for public administration. The programme gives financial support for study visits, internships, training and network activities.
Grete Kodi, adviser with the NCM Office in Estonia will introduce the mobility programme for business and industry.
The introductions will take place at Tartu City Government’s hall, Raekoja plats 12, second floor. The event is free of charge and will last for about 1,5 hours: 13-14-30.
Those who are interested in taking part of the introductions are kindly requested to contact Ahto Külvet: e-mail: ahto.kulvet (at) raad.tartu.ee. Requested information: name of the participant, contact information (e-mail, telephone), name of the organisation (if possible).
More information about the mobility programmes and NCM grant schemes can be obtained here .