03.02.11 – 04.02.11
Nordic Baltic Dialogues on Transnational Perspectives in Spatial Planning Finished
Contact info: Triin Oppi (triin.oppi@norden.ee)
Transnational approaches have grown in importance in spatial planning and territorial development policy at different scales. This is clearly visible in increased cross-border and transnational cooperation within the planning and policy arena between individual countries and in macro-regions and in Europe.
This conference, held at the premises of Nordregio in central Stockholm, will discuss transnational perspectives on spatial planning, focusing on the Nordic-Baltic area. Topics discussed at the conference include:
- Spatial scenarios for Europe and Nordic-Baltic Countries
- Future migratory movements – concentration or de-concentration?
- A new rural typology for Europe and the Nordic-Baltic Countries
- The need for an interplay between international and national planning perspectives
- The development of regional planning in the Baltic States
and much more.
Targeted participants are policymakers and planners at national, regional and local levels, as well as researchers, primarily from Nordic-Baltic countries. Contact person in Estonia is Antti Roose at the University of Tartu.
Further information, programme and contacts can be found here.
The conference is arranged by ESPON, the European Observation Network for Territorial Development and Cohesion (instituted by the European Commission), and hosted by Nordregio.
Read more about ESPON here.
Read more about Nordregio here.