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01.10.11 – 30.11.11


Nordic-Baltic Designers Events in Riga 2011 Finished

Contact info: Triin Oppi (

Nordic Baltic Designers Events in Riga 2011

During autumn 2011 Riga will become the meeting place for the Nordic and Baltic designers. For two months, starting from October, series of events in different fields of design will take place at the Riga Art Space.

There are many faces of design – it can be fashionable, industrial, functional or even controversial. What if all these characteristics of one field of creativeness could be brought together in one project dedicated to our vision of the future of the North? The organisers of the events believe that it could be a gateway to success. That’s why this summer sixteen renowned design professionals from Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia have been selected to develop sixteen different projects with one goal in common – a clean and beautiful Baltic Sea. There are no limitations to the mode or the scale of the projects. The organisers are looking for cutting-edge designs that define us as responsible and future orientated inhabitants of the coasts of the Baltic Sea.

The results will be featured in the Nordic-Baltic Designers Events in Riga 2011 as the main event. Sixteen designers will exhibit their ideas developed especially for the event and a group exhibition of their prior works will be organised as well.

The Nordic Council of Ministers’ Office in Estonia organised a Nordic-Baltic sustainable fasion design month Nordic Look in May 2011 in Tallinn. The event brought togehter the fasion design worlds of the Nordic and Baltic countries. To get a closer look at the designers who participated in the Nordic Look pop-up shop and events organised in the framework of Nordic Look, please visit the event homepage.

Designers that are participating in the Riga projects this autumn:
Hannu Kähönen (FI)
Kaija Poijula (FI)
Björn Dahlström (SE)
Jessica Signell Knutsson (SE)
•  Runa Klock (NO)
•  Helle Frogner (NO)
Katrin Olina (IS)
Cecilie Manz (DK)
Johan Carlsson (DK)
Martin Pärn (EE)
Mare Kelpman (EE)
Ieva Kalēja (LV)
Pēteris Bajārs (LV)
Juozas Brundza (LT)
Rasa Baradinskiene (LT)

Apart from the sixteen designers exhibiting the results of their work there will also be other design related activities featured in the Nordic Baltic Designers Events in Riga 2011. Various workshops, lectures, discussions and meetings are organised to bring Nordic and Baltic design people together. During the two month long period of networking events professionals, students and entrepreneurs are welcome to exchange their ideas, gain experience and develop new collaborations.


– Danish chair exhibition The Cabinetmakers´ Autumn Exhibition – Whiteout, October 6 – November 27
– Nordic Baltic designers exhibition 16 steps closer, October 13 – November 27
– Designers presentations at Pecha Kucha night, October 13
– Design seminar and networking on the Future of the Baltic Sea, October 14
– Workshop for children KOKOOMO, October 19 – 21
– Seminar New Scandinavian Design – changes and new trends from Sweden and neighboring countries, October 25
– Concert by folk music group Nordic, November 4
– Seminar The Business Case for Sustainable Fashion Production, November 15
– Seminar Riga Meetings Transmedia 2011 on interactive games and transmedia development in the Baltic Sea region, November 24 – 25

Organisers: the Finnish Presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers’, the Nordic Council of Ministers’ Office in Latvia, the Nordic and Baltic embassies in Riga, the Danish Culture Institute, Riga Art Space and SIA Rigas Nami. The Nordic Baltic Designers Events are part of the Design.Future 2011 festival organised by Design Information Centre (Latvia).

Curator: Kari Korkman, Helsinki Design Week

Date: 1.10-30.11.2011
Place: Riga, Latvia
Contact: Culture Adviser Ginta Tropa, Nordic Council of Ministers Office in Latvia, phone: +371 67820055, e-mail: