10.05.11 – 13.05.11
Nordic Game 2011 Finished
Contact info: Triin Oppi (triin.oppi@norden.ee)
With more than 1,500 expected attendees and a wide variety of presentations, summits and network opportunities in the Swedish town of Malmö, the Nordic Game conference is one of the largest events of its kind in Europe.
The Nordic Game 2011 conference will continue its focus on bridging gaps within the industry, and this year’s edition will use creativity and entrepreneurship as the point of departure. What is creativity in game industry terminology? How can the industry be better at utilizing its creative force?
With the belief that insights drive innovation, the main mission of the Nordic Game 2011 conference is to give attendees the opportunity to think outside the box, by listening and talking to people who do exactly that.
Find out more here .
Date: 10-13 May 2011
Malmö, Sweden
there is a registration fee. Early bird offers!
Contact: info(at)nordicgame.com