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27.04.10 – 30.04.10

Malmö and Kopenhaagen

Nordic Game 2010 Finished

Contact info: Triin Oppi (

The Nordic Game 2010 conference will explore the new realities of the games industry. The conference program will focus on how to bridge the gaps between game ideas and business models, creativity and management, and market awareness and profit-making. The event will be for everyone who’s eager to learn, share, adapt and evolve to the today’s changing games industry.

The Nordic Game Program is a part of the Nordic cultural cooperation and is funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers, and administered by Nordic Game Resources AB, a Swedish limited company.

Find out more here .

Date: 27-30 April 2010
Place: Malmö (Sweden) and Copenhagen (Denmark)
Participation: charge for admission, registration requied
Contact: Nordic Game Program, e-mail info (at)