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15.11.11 – 16.11.11


Creative industries conference “Generator/Norrköping ´11” Finished

Contact info: Triin Oppi (

For the last four years Generator has gathered regional stakeholders at a two-day conference on how Swedish regions can benefit from and support the development of cultural and creative industries. This year the conference will take place in Norrköping on the 15-16th November, and will for the first time be held partly in English.

The reason for using English for parts of the program is that we want to reach out and involve people from other countries than Sweden, thus exchanging experiences and ideas over the borders and opening up for collaboration opportunities among us. Many of our challenges are similar regardless of country, and the questions we struggle with are often the same.

Time: 15th – 16th November.

Place: Louis de Geer konsert & kongress in Norrköping, Sweden.

Register here!

Event info is here.

Contact: Johanna Skantze, e-mail:, Tel: +46(0)8 410 909 90, web: