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15.09.11 – 17.09.11


Green Growth Festival “Rohevik” Finished

Contact info: Madis Tilga (

Green Growth

The environmental/green growth festival ROHEVIK will be looking to the kind of future that will be built on economical and environmentally friendly ways of life, with a focus on electric cars.

More than half the world’s population lives in cities, which consume app. 80% of the world’s energy. Today, this all too often means polluted living environments, insufficient infrastructure and inequality. The ever-growing need for alternative energy is forcing not just cities but society as a whole to more actively search for sustainable green solutions.

– 15 September: ‘Modern Eco-cities’ – international conference at the Estonian University of Life Sciences in Tartu
– 16 September: ‘Smart Energy and Green Transport’ – international conference in the Riigikogu /Estonian parliament/ in Tallinn
– 17 September: ‘Our Future – Electric Vehicles’ – family event on Vabaduse väljak /Freedom Square/ in Tallinn

– Are electric cars really the answer to pollution-generating forms of transport?
– What kinds of electric cars can people in Estonia buy?
– How can we ensure more economical urban planning so that everyone enjoys a better quality of life?
– Is there any hope of finding an alternative to rising energy costs in the form of new energy solutions?

Who is it for?
– Conferences in Tallinn and Tartu: scientists, academics, politicians, public servants, artists, business people and visionaries from Estonia and the Nordic countries
– Family event in Tallinn: people of all ages who are interested in cars and the environment

Estonia is supporting the purchasing of electric cars and is establishing the necessary infrastructure. The family event on Vabaduse väljak will give everyone the opportunity to take a closer look at the vehicles (from such manufacturers as Tesla, JonElis, Mitsubishi, ERA, Peugeot, Fiat, Toyota and Citroen) and learn more about environmentally friendly energy solutions and ways of life. Youngsters and the young at heart will also be able to find out all about electric bicycles, scooters and toy cars. The organisers are hoping to launch the event with a parade of electric cars through the city centre. The Master of Ceremonies will be Urmas Vaino.

The Rohevik festival is one of the highlights of the calendar of events marking the 20 th anniversary of the activities of the Nordic Council of Ministers’ Office in Estonia. It is also the final event in the very successful inter-regional POWER programme, which is being organised by the Tallinn Environment Department and financed by the INTERREG IVC programme of the European Fund for Regional Development.

ORGANISERS: Nordic Council of Ministers’ Office in Estonia, Embassy of Finland in Tallinn, Tallinn Environment Department, Tartu City Government, Estonian University of Life Sciences, Tartu Science Park
SUPPORTERS: POWER inter-regional programme, European Regional Development Fund, Interreg IVC, Association of Local Governments of Tartu County, European Commission Representation in Estonia, My City Hotel, ClearChannel
MEDIA PARTNERS: Postimees, Radio Kuku,
PARTNERS: KredEx, Estonian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications, Riigikogu (Parliament of Estonia), Baltic Hot Rod Association, Nordic Innovation Centre, Tartu Centre for Creative Industries, Tartu Municipal Government, Embassy of Sweden in Tallinn, Embassy of Denmark in Tallinn, Royal Norwegian Embassy in Tallinn

Date: 15.-17. september 2011
Place: Tartu ja Tallinn
Participation: all events are free of charge. Registration is required for the conferences in Tartu and Tallinn. The registration to the conferences is open at Rohevik’s homepage. Please note that the online registration closes on September 9!

– Tallinn events: Madis Tilga, Adviser, Nordic Council of Ministers’ Office in Estonia – telephone: +372 627 3103 / e-mail:
– Tartu conference: Madis Kanarbik, Head of the Tartu branch office, Nordic Council of Ministers’ Office in Estonia – telephone: +372 742 3625 / e-mail:

See you at Rohevik!