09.06.10 – 10.06.10
InnoTown Finished
Contact info: Triin Oppi (triin.oppi@norden.ee)
In InnoTown´s 10th year, the innovation conference remains faithful to the untraditional, overall inspiring mindset that lies behind the concept´s international success. 8 world capacities speakers are all keynotes and wonderful presenters. Together they´ll cover these key topics (+ a few more):
– breakthrough innovations
– the future of work (HR)
– energy & peak oil
– the future of business
– the Future of Mobility
– understanding Chinese culture and development
– macro trends
– conscious capitalism
– industrial design
– future foresight
Our main goal is to Move Minds, to stimulate one´s curiosity for new thinking beyond the traditionally tried and tested, to help change one´s mindset over time, for the sake of improvement and innovation – to be ahead of the next curve. InnoTown means BUSINESS NOT AS USUAL.
Find out more about the conference here .
Date & Time: 9-10 June 2010; Aalesund, Norway
Participation: for a fee and requires registration on February 17 at latest
Contact: InnoTown® Innovation Conference, phone +47 70 13 95 00 or e-mail hello (at) innotown.com.