EU Baltic Sea Strategy: Growth, prosperity and clean environment Finished
Contact info: Triin Oppi (triin.oppi@norden.ee)
The Swedish EU Presidency and the Nordic Council of Ministers invite you to a s eminar on the EU Baltic Sea Strategy : Growth, Prosperity and Clean Environment You can make it a Success Story – Get involved!
The list of invited speakers consists of high reprsentatives from the Nordic Council of Ministers, the European Commission, SIDA, the Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Nordic embassies.
The seminar will feature a presentation of practical examples of regional cooperation among creative and innovative clusters and a panel discussion with participants from Latvian, Lithuanian and Estonian public administration and industry sectors. The discussion will focus on the competitiveness of the Baltic Sea Region in the increasingly globalised society.
The EU Baltic Sea Strategy is the first regional strategy of the European Union. It aims to improve the Baltic Sea environment, to boost the prosperity of the Region via trade and innovative enterprises, to reinforce transport connections and electric power links in the Region, as well as to enhance the efficiency of the Region in joint accident management and in the combat of cross-border crime.
The seminar will be broadcasted online here .
Find out more about the programme
. Press release can be downloaded
Date and time: November 12, 12-17
Stockholm School of Economics in Riga
Language: English
Registration: online
Contact: Marika Gintere, information adviser with
the Nordic Council of Ministers’ Office in Latvia: phone +371 67820051, +371 28680228 or e-mail marika (at) norden.lv