Reception of the Nordic Chambers of Commerce in Estonia Finished
Contact info: Grete Kodi (grete.kodi@norden.ee)
In connection with this year’s 92 nd Anniversary of the Republic of Estonia a Reception will be arranged in cooperation with the Nordic Council of Ministers Office in Estonia and the Danish, Finnish and Swedish Chambers of Commerce in Estonia. Invitations to the event will be sent out by the chambers of commerce.
Estonia as a Nordic country will be in focus at our 2010 Reception. During our evening together, Carita Pettersson – Head of the Nordic Council of Ministers Office in Tallinn, Marina Kaljurand – Undersecretary of Economic Affairs and Development Cooperation at Estonia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Martin Breuer – Chairman of the Foreign Investors’ Council in Estonia, will tell us more about Estonia’s past, current and future role in the Nordic unity.
Time and venue: 4 pm on 15 February; Lai 29, Tallinn
Contact: Grete Kodi, tel. +372 627 31 00 or e-mail grete (at) norden.ee