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CO2 E-Race Finished

Contact info: Triin Oppi (


The CO 2E-Race is a race using CO2 friendly vehicles. The intent is to raise awareness in relation to the climate crisis and ways to solve it through technology. Transportation is one of the largest greenhouse gas (GHG) emission sources globally. In addition, air pollution from cars is a major environmental problem in European cities, including Riga. This causes detrimental effects on human health and our physical environment.

CO 2 E-Race will communicate to consumers, politicians and corporations alike, addressing some of the common myths of CO 2 friendly cars. The CO 2 E-Race will also highlight the natural progression and logic in choosing CO 2 neutral means of transportation. In this way, the consumer becomes part of the solution, reducing the emission of CO 2 into the atmosphere.

Find out more here .

Questions related to the event can be addressed to the danish Cultural Institute in Latvia and the Nordic Council of Ministers Office in Latvia.