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Aalborg Commitments Climate Workshop & Nordic-Baltic Aalborg Commitments Network Annual Meeting Finished

Contact info: Triin Oppi (

Stockholm Environment Institute – Tallinn Centre in collaboration with the Nordic Council of Ministers’ Office in Estonia invites the members of Nordic-Baltic Aalborg Commitments Network to a workshop and annual meeting focused on linking Aalborg Commitments and Climate Change on 10 November 2009.

The aim of the workshop will be to evaluate local level preparedness for climate change related challenges and how the Aalborg Commitments (AC) process can be a tool to improve preparedness to face future challenges. Local governments in both the Nordic and Baltic countries have been working on climate issues and we plan for presentations discussing the regionally relevant issues, risk analysis, adaptation, and mitigation from both regions. Information about the local level climate activities leading up to COP 15 and Sustainable Cities and Towns Campaign (2010) will be presented in hopes to motivate your active participation in person or via other means.

Venue: Hotel Euroopa, Paadi 5, Tallinn
invitations only, registration required before October 13.
The programme is available here .

Questions related to the workshop and meeting can be addressed to Stockholm Environment Institute – Tallinn Centre: Heidi Tuhkanen, project manager, e-mail: heidi.tuhkanen (at) or telephone +372 6 276 114.