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15.10.21 – 10.12.21

Co-operation between organisations for people with disabilities Deadline Finished

Contact info: Merle Kuusk (

The aim of the funding is to help organisations of people with disabilities in the Nordic countries to exchange experience and knowledge, develop projects or build up partnerships with their equivalent organisations in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Northwest Russia. The activity must promote the interests of people with disabilities in society in some way.

Funding for networking activities:

  • Participants from at least three Nordic countries, or two Nordic countries and at least one Baltic State or one region in Northwest Russia.
  • The activity must have a specific programme and take place in the Nordic region, the Baltic region or Northwest Russia.
  • Activities can receive funding of up to SEK 5,000 per Nordic country and up to SEK 10,000 kronor per Baltic State or region in Northwest Russia. In addition to this are additional expenses resulting from disabilities.

The application for funding for networking activities is open from October 15 to December 10, 2021.

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