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11.01.21 – 08.02.21

Culture Mobility Funding Deadline Finished

Contact info: Grete Kodi (

The Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for Culture strengthens artistic and cultural cooperation in the Nordic region and Baltic states. The programme focuses on increasing the exchange of knowledge, contacts, presence and interest in Nordic and Baltic art and culture.

The mobility funding provides applicants, who may be individuals or small groups, access to contacts, skills and knowledge from different parts of the region. Funding may also be used to present artistic and cultural productions and to increase interest in Nordic and Baltic art and culture.

Mobility funding is intended for the travel and/or stay of professional artists or cultural workers within Nordic and/or Baltic countries. That is: Denmark, Estonia, Finland, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden and the Åland Islands.

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