Youth Festval C.A.M.P. Creative Action – Meaningful Performance!
We take young people from the Nordic countries and Estonia out of school-desks, we make them dance mathematics, sing biology etc – we connect arts and subjects that at first glance do not have anything common. Mixing subjects and fields which usually are seen separately, broadens the mind, breaks barriers and prejudices. Young people come together to experience subjects studied at school from a different angle.
This is one great youth creativity festival at school – C.A.M.P. (Creative Action – Meaningful Performance) that for the first time took place in Pärnu, Estonia in 2013 and continued in Tartu in 2014. 2015 C.A.M.P. moved back to its roots – Pärnu.
The idea of organising a youth creativity festival arose from the Creativity Forum and Kulturkarnevalen that takes place in Finland.