Conference "Domestic Violence – from near and far"

The international conference “Domestic Violence – from near and far” will take place on August 24-25th in Tallinn at the Proto Invention Factory (Peetri 10, 10411 Tallinn). The conference is organized by the Estonian Ministry of the Interior and Nordic Council of Ministers’ Office in Estonia, together with many partners. You can join the conference online. Registration for the event is available HERE.
Domestic violence is not just a personal concern of those involved, but a problem that seriously damages society as a whole. In Estonia, one-fifth of people have been exposed to domestic violence in their lifetime, and although the police receive more than 40 such reports a day, a large number of cases remain hidden.
The Istanbul Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence, defines violence against women as falling under four key forms: physical, sexual, psychological and economic. These aspects will be discussed at the Conference by the speakers from the Nordic countries, Estonia, UK and USA.
The Conference is targeted to practitioners, experts and policy makers from the Nordic and Baltic countries for exchanging expertise, experience and information in domestic violence area. It is very important to strengthen positive impact, cooperation and partnerships among different regional and international mechanisms promoting and upholding women’s rights and combating violence (psychological, physical and sexual) against women and children.
The conference will have simultaneous translation in the Estonian-English-Estonian direction.
Participation in the conference is free.
The recordings of the conference can be found here
The Conference is a part of a Project „New ways to tackle gender-based violence: Nordic and Baltic approach in 2021-2022“.
Tuesday, August 24th
Registration and coffee
Opening words
- Signe Riisalo, Minister of Social Protection, Estonia
Welcome words from the Nordics
- Christer Haglund, Director of the NCM Office in Estonia
Stories from „The Other Room“
- Mari-Liis Lill, Actor and Director, Estonia
There are no simple solutions, ie complex thinking as a precondition for working with domestic violence,
- Airi Mitendorf, Adviser, Ministry of Socail Affairs, Estonia
Manipulations of a violent parent after leaving children and the impact on the child’s behavior
- Kaire Talviste, Psychotherapist, Siin ja praegu/ Here and Now, Estonia
Lunch and networking
12.00 – 13.00
Sharing Women’s stories by Open library method
- Margo Orupõld, Pärnu Women’s Support Center, Estonia.
Impact of trauma on the victim
- Kaia Kastepõld-Tõrs, Psychologist, Teacher of Clinical Psychology, Tartu University, Estonia
Impact of Domestic Violence on Children
- Anne Kleinberg, Child Psychiatrist, Tallinn Children ´s Hospital, Head of Psychiatry Clinic, Estonia
Coffee break
Domestic violence killings
- PhD Jane Monckton Smith, Professor of Public Protection, University of Gloucestershire, UK
Experiences of Immigrants Regarding Domestic Violence on the Example of Finland
- Ujuni Ahmed, Executive Director, Fenix Helsinki, Finland
Best Practices in Proving Criminal Cases of Domestic Violence: Lessons from Research and Practice
- Amy Bonomi, Michigan State University, USA
- David Martin, Seattle King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office, USA
Wednesday, 25 August
Moderator: Rasmus Kagge, Communications consultant -
Opening Words
- Kristian Jaani, Minister of the Interior, Estonia
To Protect the Little Ones
- Annika Laats, preacher at the EELK Risti parish
How to Support Change in Violent Behaviour
- Marius Råkil, Clinical psychologist, Executive Director, Alternative to Violence (ATV), Norway
Law of Consent on the Example of Sweden
- Stina Holmberg, Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention, Sweden
12.00 – 13.00
A Picture of Domestic Violence in Estonia
- Karin Talviste, Prosecutor, Estonia
Co-ordinated Community Response to Violence – the DULUTH Model
- Scott Miller, Expert Witness, Co-Executive Director for Domestic Abuse Intervention Programs, USA
Coffee break
Panel discussion: What is an Effective Intervention for Domestic Violence?
- Roman Krõlov, Chief Specialist, Victim Support Helpline,Social Insurance Board, Estonia
- Pille Tsopp-Pagan, Executive Manager, Women’s Support and Information Center, Estonia
- Joosep Kaasik, Prefect, Northern Prefecture, Police and Border Guard Board, Estonia
- Kaspar Urmas Oja, Assistant Prosecutor, Northern Prefecture, Police and Border Guard Board, Estonia
Closing ceremony and thanks