The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has called for an immediate need for knowledge on the SARS-CoV-2 virus infection and how the virus leads to severe medical complications and death in some infected people. International research initiatives have been initiated in response to COVID-19 for example under the auspices of the World Health Organization and at the European level (EU; Wellcome) with the aim to generate new knowledge through clinical trials and by enabling open access to COVID-19 research data.
Research cooperation with a more regional approach may in many ways prove as relevant and have great value for patients and societies. The Nordic and Baltic countries have similar welfare systems, access to high-quality research infrastructures and publicly funded health care, which, together with the citizens trust in research, are of particular strength in this context.
On this background, a call for proposals for funding of Nordic and Nordic-Estonian/Latvian collaboration projects on health data research on COVID-19 is now announced. The call “Nordic Health Data Research Projects on COVID-19” is a collaborative effort between the Swedish Research Council, Academy of Finland, Innovation Fund Denmark, Research Council of Norway, Icelandic Centre for Research (RANNÍS), Estonian Research Council, Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Latvia, and NordForsk.
Financial framework
Project funding will be available for the period 2020-2022. The total funding available under the call is approximately NOK 57 million. The Estonian Research Council supports the participation of Estonian researchers in the project with 400 000 euros.
Read more on the Estonian Research Council homepage (in Estonian).
Maarja Adojaan
Estonian Research Council
+372 731 7355
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Marianne Aastebøl Minge
+47 936 02 527
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Maria Nilsson
+47 993 80 264
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