Solutions and recommendations to identify victims and combat trafficking in human beings in the Nordic-Baltic region

Friday, 26 June 2015

Experts and specialists on the fight against trafficking in human beings (THB) from the Baltic States and Nordic countries were asked to discuss the identification of victims of human trafficking from their own experience of work at a knowledge forum held in Vilnius at the start of June as part of a project of the Nordic Council of Ministers aimed at combating human trafficking. Read about the joint challenges, proposed solutions and recommendations here!

The background to the discussion was that although there is a lot of knowledge about traffickers and victims, there is still lack of efficiency to identify them. In recent years, discussions have focused on activities to combat THB at the national and regional levels and the fact that cross-border and international cooperation is needed for anti-trafficking actions. Today there is still need more of a focus on the identification of victims of THB at the local level. How can the Nordic and Baltic countries together better identify victims of THB?

The organisers of the knowledge forum - the Lithuanian Ministry of the Interior and the Nordic Council of Ministers - asked the round tables to outline challenges, solutions and recommendations for joint activities and cooperation in the Northern Region of Europe.

The objective of the THB project initiated by the Nordic Council of Ministers in the late 2013 was to bring together experts from the Nordic countries, the Baltic States and north-western Russia so as to exchange experience and establish contacts needed in day-to-day work.

Comprising four events, the project came to an end with the Vilnius forum, but the Nordic Council of Ministers plans to continue working with the Baltic States as part of a new project in the fight against human trafficking.

Find out more about Nordic Council of Ministers' projects on THB that NCM Office in Estonia has been administrating, overviews of events, recommendations and presentations from experts etc. at

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