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Business and industry gain new opportunity to apply for funding

Business and industry in the Nordic countriesThe Nordic Council of Ministers (NCM) decided to dispense just little more than half of the approximately two million Danish kroner allocated for funding businesses and organisations supporting the private sector this year. This means there will be a second application round in autumn.

As a result of the first application round this spring Nordic and Baltic companies and business associations in the fields of information and telecommunications technologies, electronics and electrical engineering, design, advertising, sustainable fashion, film industry, translation and language teaching, industrial iron and steel castings, sustainable energy production and consulting, and sustainable polymer technology were among the grantees.

A total of 36 applications arrived in the NCM’s office in Latvia which administrates the Nordic-Baltic mobility programme for business and industry 2009-2013.

27 of the 36 applications were granted a total sum of 1,140,600 kroner. There were four applications from Estonia and on seven occasions Estonia was one of the partners in joint Nordic-Baltic projects. All together nine joint projects involving Estonia were granted.

In general one round for applying is foreseen in the mobility programme for business and industry. But since this time approximately half of the programme budget remained undistributed the NCM decided to hold an additional round for applying taking into consideration the difficult economic situation in the region. This time the NCM office in Latvia expects the applications on October 15. The grant is foreseen for carrying out study visits, internships, and training or network activities in the region. The programme covers up to 70 percent of the costs related to travel, accommodation and network activities.

Besides companies and business organisations, art and culture practitioners have the possibility to apply for funding. The Nordic Culture Point is awaiting applications for the Nordic-Baltic mobility programme for culture. The grant covers expenses made for networking and mobility.

Civil servants can apply for funding from the mobility programme for public administration next year.

The Nordic-Baltic mobility programmes are funded by the Nordic and Baltic governments based on national GDP.