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Nordic Drama Days ‘Performing a Woman’ March 28.-29

The theme for the fourth Nordic Drama Days will be Performing a Woman. Thus, female playwrights, directors and actresses will be the principal focus. The featured plays will seek to invoke discussion on how women’s identity is portrayed in the dramas and what it means for actresses and directors to bring female characters to the stage.

The featured plays will seek to invoke discussion on how women’s identity is portrayed in the dramas and what it means for actresses and directors to bring female characters to the stage.

Estonian Drama Theatre, as the main organizer of the event, has invited theatre professionals from every Nordic country in order to inspire, help and collaborate with their Estonian colleagues.

Danish playwright Astrid Saalbach, Norwegian director Marit Moum Aune, Icelandic managing director Tinna Gunnlaugsdóttir, director Maria Meinander and actress Wanda Dubiel from Finland, will all come to Tallinn and participate in the Drama Days program.

The opening lecture on the Nordic Drama Days’ central theme: Performing a Woman will be given by Leena Kurvet-Käosaar, Ph.D and docent of Tallinn University in women’s studies.

Find out more here.