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Reinfeldt opens the first Nordic Globalisation Forum

The Nordic prime ministers have arrived in sunny and snow-covered Riksgränsen. The Swedish Prime Minister, Fredrik Reinfeldt, and the Secretary General of The Nordic Council of Ministers, Halldor Asgrimsson, delivered an opening address at the first Nordic Globalisation Forum, which has been dubbed ‘a Nordic Davos meeting’.

“It gives me great pleasure to welcome you all to the first Nordic Globalisation Forum,” Prime Minister Reinfeldt told the assembled guests.

Reinfeldt, who is hosting the event, also presented guests from further afield: Professor Jagdish N. Bhagwati of Columbia University, Quentin Peel, leader-writer for the Financial Times and André Sapir of Université Libre in Brussels.

The purpose of the meeting in the far north of Sweden under the heading ‘A Competitive Nordic Region in a Globalised World’ is to inspire and stimulate discussion about the challenges and opportunities presented by globalisation.

The forum in Riksgränsen is the first in what is planned as an annual Nordic event. Sweden holds the Presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers in 2008. Next year it will be the turn of Iceland.

Nordic Council of Ministers is the official Nordic co-operation body.