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Baltic Dynamics explores strategies for economic growth

Baltic Dynamics is an annual international conference organized in rotation by Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania focusing on innovation and competitiveness related topics.This year the conference will be held in Tartu, September 3-5 exploring Innovation as a key from slowdown to growth.
Baltic Dynamics 2008 is addressing the challenge facing the Baltic States and many other European and world countries : how to address economic slowdowns and find new strategies for growth.

The conference will focus upon the following main topics:

  • Global Context for Innovation – Discussions will be held on recent developments in the main markets of the world and case studies will be presented how this is influencing innovation activities and competitiveness of companies in Europe and worldwide.
  • Environment and Energy – Relevant approaches and case studies will be presented on how the current developments, challenges and constraints in environment and energy sectors can stimulate innovation in broad range of companies and public sector organisations.
  • Science and Technology Parks – Novel and innovative approaches on the changing role of science and technology parks will be presented based on the case studies.
  • Security, Internet and Innovation – Relevant case studies will be presented on how the problems and challenges related to security and Internet can stimulate innovation and strengthen competitiveness of companies.
  • European Cooperation for Innovation – Number of interesting results and case studies on stimulating innovation through European interregional cooperation will be presented.

For additional information contact the Conference Organizing Committee:
The Conference Homepage: