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Nordic-Estonian joint programme at the Helsinki Book Fair

The joint Nordic-Estonian programme to be staged during the Helsinki Book Fair from 23-26 October was organised by the Nordic Council of Ministers‘ office in Estonia. The four-day programme focuses on Nordic-Estonian social and cultural junctions. It will present a discussion on the right to remember and speeches on the stereotypes and myths in communication among the Nordic and Baltic peoples. The publishing side will be managed by the Estonian Publishers‘ Union.

Against the background of political strategies paving the way for closer co-operation between Nordic and Baltic countries, Piret Saluri, Anu Saluäär, Raija Hämäläinen, and Iris Schwank will probe into the matter of translation issues between Nordic and Baltic languages.

Two of the few Estonian-Russian authors, Igor Kotjuh and P. I. Filimonov, will shed light on the nature and characteristics of Estonian-Russian (minority) literature.

Renowned Estonian and Nordic poets will read their poetry as well. In particular, the taboos and canons of child literature will be explored by Tove Appelgren, Kristiina Kass, and Anne Rande.

Erkki Tuomioja, Iivi Masso, Imbi Paju, Heidi Hautala, and Sari Näre will debate on interpretations of history and the right to remember.

The theme of this year’s book fair is “There’s Something About a Book“.

Find out more here.