Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for Public Administration will be open for applications

Funding scheme for cooperation between Nordic and Baltic civil servants will be open for applicants in January 2024.
The Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for Public Administration will be open for applications from civil servants and other staff in the public sector from 15 January 2024. There is one application round in 2024, the deadline for submitting applications is 1 April.
In order to obtain funding, your project should involve partners from at least three countries: Nordic applicants should visit a minimum of two Baltic countries, while Baltic applicants should visit partners in at least two Nordic countries.
Why apply?
You and your colleagues in Nordic and Baltic countries have ideas, plans and experiences worth discovering and discussing with partners.
Applying and reporting is easy and user friendly – all can be done online at NB8-Grants.
Results from 2023
64 applications from the Nordic-Baltic region were approved for granting with a total budget of 349 340 € in 2023. A total number of 402 civil servants are participating in the projects granted by the mobility programme during 2023/2024.
The statistical results of all participating countries in projects supported by the programme in 2023 are following (numbers behind the name of the country show in how many projects the country is participating in 2023 both as applicant and partner):
The electronic application system at is open from 15 January 2024.
Please read the guidelines carefully and start looking for project partners in good time.
Register or log in if you are already a user of the mobility programme and start filling in the application – please note that you can fill in the application step by step up to the deadline.
Do not forget to submit your application before the deadline – 1 April 2024 !
Feedback from the successful participants
As a sign of the times, the first project of cooperation between ministries of defence was approved and completed in 2023, the cooperation project aiming at an increased practical cooperation in the area of defence innovation between Estonia, Norway and Denmark. The project leader Ander Allas, Adviser at the Estonian Ministry of Defence comments:
“The project helped our team (Innovation department from Estonian Ministry of Defence) to engage actively with our colleagues and counters from Denmark and Norway. We will continue the dialogue at work level, and to bring out couple of examples:
1) discussions about innovation policy domains,
2) exchanging practices in export mechanism and other technical attributes facilitating.
All in all, most importantly we gained international cooperation and learned new insights from DK and NO MoD colleagues on how to tackle many issues from a new perspective. Visits to Denmark and Norway through Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for Public Administration exceeded our expectations. Most significant was the depth of information absorption and learning curve we were able to attain through the scheduled meetings and events in both country visits programmes.
Some concrete results of the project:
- Denmark and Estonia established a common European Defence Fund project after the visit and submitted it for assessment to 2023 working programme;
- Dialogue was established between Estonia and Norway on AI strategy thematic discussion and extensification;
- Estonia and Norway have exchanged interests on European Defence Fund projects and we will hold soon subsequent meetings to go deeper in that context.”
Kristine Tamm, State Prosecutor at the Office of the Estonian Prosecutor General who participated in the study visit to Norway and Iceland in the field of domestic violence, sexual abuse, crimes by and against minors, comments:
“The program met our expectations, as it allowed the employees of our organization to gain experience and new knowledge in the field. The goals of the project were to promote the exchange of experience on best practices, crosssectoral cooperation and capacity building and also exchange of specialist contacts. Direct meetings and discussions provide a better foundation for future cooperation. Without such a program, the development of cooperation in this way would certainly be difficult.
The project improved the connections between the Nordic countries and Estonia and created direct contacts between specialists who deal with priority areas such as sexual crime against minors, victim protection and intimate partner violence. During the project, we also raised awareness of the Baltic countries by sharing the Estonian experience at meetings. At the meetings, we exchanged information in the investigation of criminal proceedings against children and intimate partner violence and shared the best practices that the representatives of the countries that participated in the meeting had to offer. The cooperation of the North Baltic countries can always benefit if the countries share experiences, are more efficient together and think of better opportunities together.
It is important that countries cooperate with each other, share knowledge, experience and ideas. Gaining common experiences and getting to know each other increases the sense of unity and awareness of progress, and thus the development of the entire region. It also means that there are contact persons through whom cooperation can be continued and development can be done together, if necessary.”
About the Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for Public Administration
The programme offers grants for mobility and networking, the annual budget of the mobility porgramme 200 000 EUR, is financed by all NB8 countries – Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway and Sweden. The purpose of the programme is to promote and strengthen cooperation, exchange of knowledge, and networking between public administration structures on all administrative levels in the Nordic-Baltic Region. The programme aims to facilitate the harmonization of more efficient working methods in the public sector. The overall goal is to increase the global competitive power of the region.
Madis Kanarbik, Programme Coordinator
Nordic Council of Ministers’ Office in Estonia
Phone +372 5046570